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Scantec Sweden

Scantec established in the year 1975 in Sweden. The Consultant Engineering firm with comprehensive expertise in modern technology and social planning and professional approach has been always exerted to solve the problems of our clients internationally.

The mother company Scantec had more than 200 experts for planning the projects in Africa, Asia and Europe. Fishing ports in India, Food processing factories in Portugal and Australia, Hotels and office buildings in Poland and Soviet Union, Waste handling management system in the Middle East, Traffic system in Libya along with Hospitals and Schools in Sweden can be considered major contribution; with full contribution covering everything from concept, planning, designing, execution, handing over, training to the fullest satisfaction of our clients.

The mother company on such projects has also taken complete responsibility of the project management under control so as to provide precise services to the client and fulfil their needs. It has been always an intension and honest and sincere professional approach so as to solve the client problem and offer best possible service for their satisfaction and to maintain long lasting relationship.

Scantec U.A.E

A branch of SCANTEC Sweden was established in Dubai the year 1982 with full financial and technical
support from the mother company. The main criteria was to get involved with the project related to environmental protection, traffic studies, industrial planning, feasibility studies, design and construction
of special projects like schools, swimming pool, ice rinks etc, complete system of collection and
transportation of solid waste were studied for city of Dubai and as a most professional approach 6 mini
transfer stations in different areas along with one main transfer station, Where they key factors of the
proposal to Dubai municipality. While making such proposals due care was also given to the flow of
traffic and minimum movement of the trucks and other means of transport of the solid waste. During
the same period the SCANTEC was appointed for design and supervision of compost plant Al Ain which
had commenced the execution in the year 1984 and was successfully handed over in the year 1986.
The quality of compost produced was on the highest international standards which was fully fermented; consequently was without any bad adore and excessive reject like plastic paper, glass and timber.
Similar studies were also carried out for city of Fujairah, Ras Al khaimah, Abu Dhabi and most professional proposal was submitted to the authorities.

Simultaneously the SCANTEC had also started getting involved in other field of engineering like design
and construction of commercial and residential buildings, repair and rehabilitation of old concrete structure, feasibility studies for industrial projects. The studies carried out for the compost plant in Sohar, Muscat,
Al Ain Poultry farm, Proposed rice mill can be considered as important landmarks and successful

Present Status
As on today SCANTEC PLANNING CONSULT is independent entity in UAE owned by Mr. Hussain
Ahmed Al Harthei, UAE national and Mr. Madhukar Sanmukharam Shukla, Indian national, and main concentration is being laid on construction of public buildings like schools, shopping complexes,
residential units, recycling industries, food processing plant, traffic engineering.
TimeTable and Budget
We are accustomed to working closely with decision-makers, clients and contractors to solve planning
problems for private companies and public authorities in various parts of the world. As a result we have
acquired extensive and intensive experiences of how to attack and solve planning problems with respect
to both economic and human factors.
Total Solution
Our experts are specialists in the field of social planning, local planning, heating, water and sanitation,
electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. This means that we can provide total solutions to the problems of a modern society. Problems that are related to production facilities, traffic, transport,
environmental management and other basic areas. Solving these problems makes a substantial
contribution to the quality of life in general.
For Scantec, planning means providing total solutions for the needs of active people in a modern society.

Environmental Protection
Food Processing
Concrete Repairs
Feasibility Studio
Traffic Engineering
Our Creation
Commercial and Residential Buildings
Public Buildings
Recycling Industries
Industrial Planning
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